CESA Trainings

Microaggression Training


Metropolitan State University of Denver’s grassroots Microaggressions Awareness Campaign is building faculty and staff awareness about the impacts of identity, power, and privilege-and highlighting the difference between intent and impact.

The campaign is supported by a series of trainings designed to help faculty and staff members develop action plans to address and combat the impact of microaggressions. The ultimate goal is to help participants improve their interactions with colleagues and students, ensuring all Roadrunners feel welcome, valued and connected to campus.

Intended audience: Faculty and staff

When the trainings are held: We have 3-5 scheduled trainings each fall and spring semester, and can be contacted for individual departmental trainings

How to sign up: We send out an article through the Early Bird each semester with a Qualtrics sign-up for that semester’s trainings. You can also email Tisha Townsend at ttownse6@msudenver.edu to sign-up

Who to contact for questions: Tisha Townsend at ttownse6@msudenver.edu

College Assistance Migrant Program

Food for Thought

CAMP LogoThe College Assistance Migrant Program’s (CAMP) Food for Thought training is a 2 hour presentation meant to explore the practices of food production and consumption in the U.S., the historical and current context that informs educational programming for migratory or seasonal farmworkers, and to build awareness of the experience of farmwork in connection to identity and intersectionality.

Intended audience: Faculty, staff, and students

When the trainings are held: By request

How to sign up: Please contact Joanely Alvidrez, jalvidr4@msudenver.edu

Who to contact for questions: CAMP Outreach & Enrollment Coordinator Joanely Alvidrez, jalvidr4@msudenver.edu


Immigrant Student Services Programs

Undocu-Peers Training

Dreamer Network: Undocu-PeersUndocu-Peers is a training designed by the MSU Denver Dreamer Network to provide information on how to better support and work alongside undocumented students.

This training is based on a workshop that was developed by undocumented students themselves and the advocacy group United We Dream, and as such is being used in educational institutions across the United States. We have added information that is relevant to both Colorado and MSU Denver to raise awareness and educate about the realities, challenges, and resources available to undocumented students.

Intended audience: MSU Denver staff, faculty, and student staff

When the trainings are held: 2 x per calendar year

How to sign up: Watch for announcements through your department, internal communications, or by contacting Immigrant Services at the beginning of either semester (gmieder@msudenver.edu)

Who to contact for questions: Gregor Mieder, Dir. Immigrant Services, gmieder@msudenver.edu



Degrees for Dreamers Training

Immigrant Services: Degrees for DreamersThis 1-2 hour training specifically focuses on training student staff (such as peer mentors, orientation leaders or writing tutors) to effectively work with and support DACA and undocumented students.

This training can be adjusted in length and scope to fit the department’s specific needs, and presenters consist of Immigrant Services staff and peer mentors. Interactive readings and activities are central to this engaging, informative training. To offer the training at your department, please contact the Director of Immigrant Services, at gmieder@msudenver.edu.

Intended audience: Student staff, peer mentors, staff

When the trainings are held: By request

How to sign up: By contacting Immigrant Services at the beginning of either semester (gmieder@msudenver.edu)



History of Immigration Training

Immigrant Services: History of ImmigrationThis 1-1.5 hour presentation quickly and broadly reviews some aspects of immigration in the United States, focusing on key developments that shape immigration trends, law and perceptions as we know it today. Through activities and thoughtful discussions, this presentation focuses on classroom settings within various humanities or social studies courses.

To offer the presentation at your department, please contact the Director of Immigrant Services, at gmieder@msudenver.edu.

Intended audience: Students (this is provided during requested classroom visits)

How to sign up: By contacting Immigrant Services at the beginning of either semester (gmieder@msudenver.edu)

Who to contact for questions: By contacting Immigrant Services at the beginning of either semester (gmieder@msudenver.edu)



Inclusive Language & Language Practices Training

Immigrant Services: Inclusive LanguageThis 1-1.5 hour training reviews language and interpersonal practices that create an inclusive spacer for all identities (gender, socio-economic status, race, sexual orientation, age, and others) to feel safe and welcomed. People who utilize inclusive language refrain from using terms, expressions, jokes, etc. that would exclude particular groups of people.

Intended audience: Student staff, peer mentors

When the trainings are held: By request

How to sign up: To offer the presentation at your department, please contact the Director of Immigrant Services, at gmieder@msudenver.edu.

Who to contact for questions: Please email gmieder@msudenver.edu.



LGBTQ Student Resource Center

The Auraria Pride Initiative

Auraria Campus Pride InitiativeThe Auraria Pride Initiative is designed to replace our Safe-Zone Ally training program. This program is an evolution of the ally training program and is designed to go beyond tolerance and basic education and move more toward breaking down barriers on the Auraria Campus and understanding oppression towards LGBTQ+ people.

We aim to do this by working with one to two offices, student organizations or other groups on campus per semester. Our office will work closely with them over the course of a semester, tailoring the program to their specific needs and goals.

Intended audience: Offices, Departments, & Organizations affiliated with the Auraria campus community

When the trainings are held: At the discretion of the office/department/organization. These are personalized trainings meant to fit into the existing work schedule of who we are working with.

How to sign up: Please email either the Director, Tyrell Allen at tallen60@msudenver.edu, or the staff at lgbtq.src.staff@gmail.com

Who to contact for questions: Please email either the Director, Tyrell Allen at tallen60@msudenver.edu, or the staff at lgbtq.src.staff@gmail.com



Veteran & Military Student Services

Veteran Friendly Training

Veteran Friendly MSU DenverVeteran Friendly Training is a program for MSU Denver faculty and staff designed to further develop a supportive campus community for veterans, current service members, and their families.

MSU Denver faculty and staff will gain tools to enhance the overall college experience for military-connected students so they may better guide and assist these students toward degree completion and onto a successful future. This is achieved by providing an encouraging, structured environment and gaining greater knowledge about campus and community resources focused on veteran student success.

Learning Objectives include: 

  • Develop an understanding of military terminology and experience
  • Learn about the military-connected population at MSU Denver
  • Develop an understanding about the transition from the military to campus
  • Identify campus resources that can provide support to military-connected students

Email Contact for Questions:  veterans@msudenver.edu